Saturday, January 26, 2008

I Am Legend - Richard Matheson

Having seen the movie first, (and having enjoyed it thoroughly), I expected to be dazzled by the book. After all, the book is usually much better.

First, let it be said the two were vastly different from one another. I was surprised to find I quite preferred the movie version over the book. The movie version had more action, and the hero, well, just seemed more heroic. Without divulging too much of what happens, in either the movie, or the book, I can only say, that of the two, the movie had a more realistic slant.

The second half of the book is short horror stories, and truth be told, I'm usually not a fan of horror films, or books, and prefer novels to short stories. Perhaps a true fan of the horror genre would appreciate this book more.

Matheson also authored another book that was made into a movie some time ago. It was in my opinion, a wonderful (if somewhat dark, twisted) movie. I ordered that book at the same time I ordered "I Am Legend", so a review of that book will follow.

Despite finding the book version of "I Am Legend" somewhat disappointing, I would still consider reading Matheson's work, and certainly seeing movies based on his work.

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