Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Philosopher's Apprentice - James Morrow

A good read, though not exactly what I had expected. Morrow's book has some almost sci-fi/futuristic aspects to it that I was not expecting.

In a world where morals seem to be lacking, is it possible for one person to be too moral? To be consumed by those morals? With no right or wrong answers, does a person of morals suffer more than the amoral? Morrow's book "The Philosopher's Apprentice" leads us to ask these questions.

As philosophical as the name implies, this book is not of the "light summer reading" variety. In fact, if there is to be any criticism of this book, it is that the language and characters often seem a tad arrogant and presumptuous. While one may argue that the characters are in fact meant to be somewhat arrogant and presumptuous, it is sometimes hard to warm to Mason, our hero, because of it.

Still, a worthwhile read.

This book courtesy of HarperCollinsCanada Reading Group.

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