Sunday, February 10, 2008

We Are Now Beginning Our Descent (Advanced Reading Copy) - James Meeks

A good read.

This book follows Adam Kellas - a London based war reporter- as he explores not only the war torn regions of Afghanistan, but the war torn regions of the human condition as well.

Meeks characters are very well developed and believable, and we come to know them in a multi-faceted manor. Most are likable, but none are perfect.

Ironically, Kellas is writing a novel about terrorists, when terrorist action prompts a war. While in Afghanistan covering that war, he meets another reporter, Astrid. Suddenly separated, Kellas spends a year thinking about this woman. One day, while already emotionally volatile, he recieves a sudden email asking him to go to her. While his life seems to be falling apart around him, he finds himself questioning much of what he believed about not only her, but himself as well.

This Advance Reading Copy courtesy of HarperCollins First Look.


The Book Chick said...

I got a copy of this book from Harper-Collins Firstlook too. How did you like it?? I found that I didn't- I felt so distanced from the characters and they seemed almost unlikable to me. It was like I didn't care what Adam and Astrid did at the end, as they were both somewhat outcasts. Just curious!

Christine said...

I wouldn't say this book is one of my favorites, but I did like it. I agree that Adam and Astrid were outcasts, but that didn't spoil the book for me, but again, it is not part of my permanent collection now that I've finished reading it.